Elmer is an amazing person that I am happy to know. He is the kindest person in the whole world.


Little known fact Elmer fought in both World War 1 and 2. He faced the German Stormtroopers that charged his trench as he served in the British forces, Elmers role was a little bigger in World War 2 though. Elmer was the pilot of the planes that dropped the two atomic bombs on Japan. He doesn't enjoy what he did but felt it was necessary for his country.

3.Elmer Sastre

Elmer was also one of the first samurai. He was known as Prince Yamato a cunning strong and fearless warrior. He was seen as a role model for those around him and for all future samarai.

4.Elmer Sastre

Elmer was drafted into the war of vietnam at the age of 12. In those cruel lands he faced many near death experiences and took a lot of lives. He was a scorcher, walking in to villages with a flamethrower never knowing if that day would be his last. By the end of the war he suffered a lot from PTSD as did many veterans and was never able to live a comfortable life again.

5. Mr.Uhrig

Michael Uhrig is currently a teacher at Stern MASS high school who teaches math and computer science. Little known fact but before his career Uhrig was known by another name, Chris Kyle. He was the American sniper who fought in Iraq as a Navy SEAL with over 160 kills. However the more he was renowned the more dangerous his life became, he faked his death and took on the role of Michael Urhig. He is also currently teaching his students how to fight against the robotic forces of skynet to save humanity.